Schemes of an Hour

Schemes of an Hour is a choreography for three dancers and a violin player set at the liminal time of dusk. It is an ode to dance as an abstract form, a force that is equally beautiful as it can be destructive, and an occasion for gathering in the seasonal spirit of La Rentrée. Seeking a loose sociability within the porous and loosely framed context of a public park, the performance revolves around the special temporality of the evening hour and its peculiar affective ambiguity.

Choreography: Emmilou Roessling
Performance: Rachell Bo Clark, Amanda Barrio Charmelo, Hanako Hayakawa
Dramaturgy & Research: Luca Eigel
Composition and live violin: Julia Yoo Soon Gröning
With musical quotes by Julius Eastman
Photography: Daiva Tubutyte, Hemansingh Lutchmun

Made possible through the support of the Ottilie-Röderstein Stipend from the Hessian Ministry for Arts and Science, the production funding from the Fonds Darstellende Kunst, the Hans and Stefan Bernbeck Travel Grant and Jean-Claude Maier Gallery Frankfurt am Main. 

With special thanks to Zimmerli of Switzerland und Quillo Ensemble for sponsoring parts of the costume and musical equipment.